June 22, 2019
Dear HASA Members,
We have engaged with the Board of Trustees regarding the debate around raises for administrators. Here is the letter HASA sent to the Trustees. You will find Trustee Lira’s response to our letter here. Please read Trustee Lira’s response carefully. Trustee Jones and Dr. Lathan also acknowledged receipt of HASA’s letter.
It is imperative that all central office and school administrators get involved in this discussion. We ask that you contact your Trustee and the Interim Superintendent to deliver the message that all employees should receive a salary increase. We expect the Trustees to take up the issue again Thursday, June 27, 2019. You can take action by:
1. Calling your Trustee at his/her office at (713) 556-6121.
2. Emailing your Trustee at the addresses listed below:
Sue Deigaard: sue.deigaard@houstonisd.org
Sergio Lira: sergio.lira@houstonisd.org
Diana Davila: ddavila2@houstonisd.org
Anne Sung: anne.sung@houstonisd.org
Wanda Adams: wadams2@houstonisd.org
Rhonda Skillern-Jones: rskiller2@houstonisd.org
Jolanda Jones: jjones57@houstonisd.org
Holly Flynn Vilaseca: holly.flynnvilaseca@houstonisd.org
Board Services: boardservices@houstonisd.org
Elizabeth Santos: elizabeth.santos@houstonisd.org
Grenita Lathan: HISDSuperintendent@houstonisd.org
Imelda Lujan, Exec. Assistant to Dr. Lathan: ilujan@houstonisd.org
3. Attending the board meeting Thursday, June 27th. The meeting will start at 5 p.m. Show up Thursday and wear white (white shirt, t-shirt, whatever). Your presence will indicate you are supporting all school-based administrators and central office administrators, along with teachers and employees in other categories.
The state legislature provided significant funding for our students and additional pay for school employees. HASA recognizes the need for additional pay for ALL EMPLOYEES, not just teachers. Let the Board of Trustees know we are involved and we care. Share this message with everyone who cares about this important issue.
Make your call.
Send your email.
Encourage others to participate.
In Solidarity,
HASA Executive Board
Josephine Rice